How to access voicemail on desktop

  • Updated

In this article, you will learn how to access your voicemail when using Workiz Phone.

Workiz Phone is packed with a set of tools designed to take your business to the next level. That includes conventional features like voicemail. Workiz takes voicemail a step further by allowing you to create jobs and leads right from the voicemail message.

In Workiz, voicemail is a feature linked to call flows. When receiving your Workiz Phone number, your account will automatically receive a call flow that forwards calls from your Workiz Phone number to your actual phone number. That call flow will come equipped with voicemail capabilities. To learn more about editing your voicemail in call flows, please see this article.

Voicemail in Workiz is accessible from the Calls page and the Message Center.

To learn how to access your voicemail on the mobile app, please see this article.

Accessing voicemail from the Calls page

  1. From the sidebar menu, select Calls
  2. Filter your results by STATUS: Voicemail
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  3. Select the voicemail you want to listen to
  4. From voicemail sidepane, select the play icon ( ) to listen to the voicemail recording
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The sidepane will also provide you with several capabilities for this voicemail:

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  • Creating a job
  • Creating a lead
  • Blocking the caller
  • Sending the recording
  • Deleting the voicemail

Accessing voicemail from the Workiz Message Center

With Workiz Phone, voicemail messages are automatically transcribed and sent to your Workiz Message Center for you to review.

  1. From the navigation bar, select the Message Center
  2. Select a message containing a voicemail transcription
  3. Review the transcription

Voicemail transcriptions also offer the following abilities directly from the Message Center:

  • Creating a job
  • Creating a lead
  • Playing the voicemail
  • Sending the voicemail

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