Are you using our online booking widget on your website? Learn how to add a thank you page at the end of your Online Booking sequence, which will show you how many people completed your Online Booking form, in your Google Analytics.
See how:
1. Go to 'Settings'.
2. Under 'Integrations', click on 'Online Booking'.
(Note: If you do not already have your Online Booking widget set up, you will need to set that up first.)
3. Scroll down the page to the 'Thank you page' section.
4. Add a link to the 'Thank You page' that you would like to direct users to. Remember that this link is located on your website specifically for those who have completed your Online Booking Form which is located on your website.
(The URL should have your required parameters to track your conversion goal in Google Analytics.)
Important Note: Unlike the Online Booking Widget, this is not a standalone page that Workiz provides. This is only a feature relevant to those with an existing website.
5. Click 'Save', when you are satisfied.
Now you're good to go!