In this article, you will learn how to order a credit card reader to use with Workiz Pay.
Workiz Pay enables you to offer modern solutions for collecting payments, such as credit card readers.
Credit card readers are essential to growing field service businesses looking to modernize their practices, allowing you to offer your customers a convenient way to pay for your top-notch services. Instead of manually entering a client's card details, you can use a card reader charge them by simply swiping, inserting, tapping the card.
Workiz Pay also supports Tap to Pay on iPhone, allowing you to collect contactless payments on the go using just your iPhone — no card reader needed. To learn more about Tap to Pay on iPhone, please see this article.
Ordering a new card reader is simple.
Ordering a card reader
- From the sidebar menu, select Workiz Pay
- Select the Readers tab
- Select Order now
- Complete the checkout process
Your order will typically arrive within 5-7 business days.
Setting up your new card reader
For more information on how to set up your new card reader, please see this article.