In this article, you will learn how to track the tips your team has received from clients.
After signing up for the new Workiz Pay, your team will be able to collect tips from clients using invoices. To learn more about collecting tips in Workiz, please see this article.
In order to collect and log tips in Workiz, you will first need to sign up for Workiz Pay.
To learn more about signing up for Workiz Pay, please see this article.
Workiz also makes it simple to understand how much money your team has collected in the form of tips.
Tracking all tips using the Tips report
- From the sidebar navigation, select Reports
- Select Tips
Your Tips report will break tips down by specific tech. Selecting a tech from the report will provide you with a list of all of their assigned jobs, including those that received tips.
For jobs with multiple techs assigned, the job will appear under each assigned tech. Any tip received for jobs with multiple assigned techs will be split evenly across each tech.
Tracking tips for individual invoices
- Open the invoice in which a tip was collected
- Under the line items, review the amount entered in the Tip field