Editing your expense report

  • Updated

In this article, you will learn how to edit your Workiz Card expenses.

Workiz Card is a one-of-a-kind, pay-in-full charge card that gives you access to a line of credit designed to support your business's day-to-day operations. With Workiz Card, you can assign cards to members of your team and even set specific limits for spend or categories. 

To learn more about signing up for Workiz Card, please see this article.

You can also issue cards to members of your team so that you can oversee and manage business-wide expenses right from Workiz. Any transaction made with Workiz Card will automatically appear in your expense report, including key details like:

  • Expense category
  • Merchant
  • Amount
  • Cardholder
  • Date

While expenses created using Workiz Card may be synced automatically to QuickBooks Online, the following expense details will not be synced:

  • Attached receipts
  • Job ID
  • Title and description

Editing expenses on the web app (desktop)

To edit your expenses on the web app, you will need to access your Expense report. 

  1. From the sidebar menu, select Reports
  2. Select Expenses 

Linking expenses to jobs on web

  1. From the Expense report, find the expense you want to update and select Link to job
    Group 632805.png
  2. Under Linked job, search for your job by job ID, client name, or job address
    Group 632809.png
  3. Select Save expense

Attaching receipts on web

  1. From the Expense report, find the expense you want to update and select Attach receipt 
    Group 632807.png
  2. Under Attached receipt, select Upload receipt and choose the receipt you want to attach
    Group 632811.png
  3. Select Save expense

Editing expenses on the mobile app

  1. In the upper-left corner of your screen, select the bars icon Expenses

Linking expenses to jobs on mobile

  1. Find the expense you want to update and select Link to job
    Group 632818ExpenseReport.png
  2. Search for your job by job ID, client name, or job address
  3. Select Save expense

Attaching receipts on mobile

  1. Find the expense you want to update and select Attach receipt
    Group 632817ExpenseReport.png
  2. Select the location of your receipt (e.g., take a picture, choose from gallery, etc.) and upload your receipt image
  3. Select Save expense

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