In this article, you will learn about all of the widgets featured on your home dashboard in Workiz.
In Workiz, your dashboard will come equipped with a variety of widgets designed to provide you with valuable insights into the state of your business.
To learn more about customizing your home dashboard, please see this help article.
Dashboard widgets overview
Web app widgets
Here is an overview of the home dashboard widgets on the web app (desktop).
Widget | Description |
Sales |
The Sales widget displays the total and net profit you collected for all jobs that are marked done within a selected time range (e.g., this week, this month, etc.). Net profits are determined after calculating parts and commissions. |
Payouts |
The Payouts widget displays the balances you have available for standard payout and instant payout. Standard payouts will be processed and made available in a few business days, while instant payouts can be available in under 30 minutes. To learn more about payouts, please see this article. In order to see this widget, you will first need to sign up for Workiz Pay. |
Estimates |
The Estimates widget displays all of the estimates you have created, including those that are unsent, pending, approved, and denied. It also calculates the total value associated with the estimates under a specific status. |
Invoices |
The Invoices widget displays the total number of invoices you have created that are due and past due. It also calculates the total value associated with the invoices under a specific status. |
Jobs |
The Jobs widget displays the number of active jobs that fall under a specific parent status, including those that are submitted, pending, in progress, and done pending approval. Sub-statuses will not be displayed here. Please note that because this only includes active jobs, done jobs will not be included. To see done jobs, see the Today widget instead. |
Today |
The Today widget displays your business's daily performance across two different categories: revenue and jobs. The "Sales" amount is calculated to only include the revenue collected from job-connected estimates and invoices, and jobs themselves. The "Collected" amount is calculated to include all of the revenue you have collected, including from standalone estimates and invoices. "Jobs done" and "Jobs canceled" only include jobs that were scheduled to take place on the current day and marked done or canceled. Completing or canceling past or future jobs will not affect these numbers for the current day. "Jobs created" only includes all jobs created on the current day. |
Service areas |
The Service Areas widget displays the percentage of jobs completed in each service area within a selected time range (e.g., this week, this month, etc.). These percentages are calculated to only include completed jobs that were scheduled to take place during the selected time range. In order to see this widget, you will first need to enable the Services Areas add-on from the Feature Center/Marketplace. |
Coming up |
The Coming Up widget displays the upcoming jobs on your schedule. It will include the job's start time, client name, and service address. |
Recent activity |
The Recent Activity widget displays the three most recent actions a user has performed on your account. It will include the user's name, the action, the platform used to perform the action (e.g., web, mobile), the relevant job/estimate/invoice ID, and a timestamp of when the action took place. |
Top sources |
The Top Sources widget displays the percentage of jobs completed across for each job source within a selected time range (e.g., this week, this month, etc.). These percentages are calculated to only include completed jobs that were scheduled to take place during the selected time range. This widget calculates the percentage of jobs for each ad source by dividing the total number of jobs for a given source by the total number of jobs with known sources. Jobs with unknown sources are excluded from the calculations. For example, if there are 110 total jobs and 50 are from Source A, but there are 10 jobs with unknown sources, the report will show that 50% of jobs are from Source A. |
Top job types |
The Top Job Types widget displays the percentage of jobs completed across for each job type within a selected time range (e.g., this week, this month, etc.). These percentages are calculated to only include completed jobs that were scheduled to take place during the selected time range. |
Leads |
The Leads widget displays the number of active leads that currently fall under a specific status. Please note that this widget will only display the first four statuses as ordered in your Lead Status settings page. In order to see this widget, you will first need to enable the Leads add-on from the Feature Center/Marketplace. |
Jobs by status |
The Jobs by Status widget displays your jobs by status (e.g., canceled, open, done) within a selected time range (e.g., this week, this month, etc.). Jobs are represented based on their scheduled date, not the date when the status was changed. |
Recent calls |
The Recent Calls widget displays your four most recent calls, including any active calls that may be taking place. It includes all relevant phone numbers, call flow, and when the call took place.
Top call flows |
The Top Call Flows widget displays your call flow activity within a selected time range (e.g., this week, this month, etc.). The Y-axis represents the total number of calls received, while the X-axis represents individual dates. Hover over a data point to see the total number of calls that took place on a specific date for one of your call flows. |
Tech scoreboard |
The Tech Scoreboard widget displays your techs' performance within a selected time range (e.g., this week, this month, etc.). It displays the techs who were assigned to jobs, as well as the revenue collected and the number of jobs they were assigned to. Revenue will not be displayed until the job has been marked done. |
Dispatch scoreboard |
The Dispatch Scoreboard widget displays your dispatchers' performance within a selected time range (e.g., this week, this month, etc.). It displays the team members who created the jobs, as well as the revenue collected and total number of jobs created. Revenue will not be displayed until the job has been marked done. |
Mobile app widgets
The Workiz mobile app also offers a variety of home dashboard widgets so you can quickly assess your business's performance on the go. Many of these widgets offer the same data as you would find on the web app.
Here is a breakdown of the home dashboard widgets on the mobile app:
Widget | Description |
Needs attention |
The Needs Attention widget displays all jobs on your account that remain open past their scheduled end date. Depending on how a user's permissions have been set up, they will either see all open jobs or only assigned open jobs. |
Upcoming work |
The Upcoming Work widget displays all upcoming job and lead assignments. Each assignment will include relevant information, such as the job/lead ID, job type, job/lead status, and more. |
Today |
The Today widget on the mobile app displays your business's daily performance across two different categories: revenue and jobs. The "Sales" amount is calculated to only include the revenue collected from job-connected estimates and invoices, and jobs themselves. The "Collected" amount is calculated to include all of the revenue you have collected, including from standalone estimates and invoices. "Jobs done" and "Jobs canceled" only include jobs that were scheduled to take place on the current day and marked done or canceled. Completing or canceling past or future jobs will not affect these numbers for the current day. "Jobs created" only includes all jobs created on the current day. |
Sales |
The Sales widget on the mobile app displays the total and net profit you collected for all jobs that are marked done since the beginning of the month. Net profits are determined after calculating parts and commissions. |
Jobs |
The Jobs widget on the mobile app displays the top five parent statuses (both parent and sub-statuses) with the highest number of jobs, including canceled jobs. The order of these statuses will vary depending on which one has the most jobs. |
Leads |
The Leads widget on the mobile app displays the top five statuses with the highest number of leads. The order of these statuses will vary depending on which one has the most leads. In order to see this widget, you will first need to enable the Leads add-on from the Feature Center/Marketplace. |
Estimates |
The Estimates widget on the mobile app displays all of the estimates you have created, including those that are unsent, pending, approved, denied, and archived. It also calculates the total value associated with the estimates under a specific status. |
Invoices |
The Invoices widget displays the total number of invoices you have created that are due and past due. It also calculates the total value associated with the invoices under a specific status. |
Top performing (technicians) |
The Top Performing widget displays your technicians' performance since the beginning of the month. It displays the techs who were assigned to jobs, as well as the revenue collected and the number of jobs they were assigned to. Revenue will not be displayed until the job has been marked done. |