Creating and understanding additional contacts for your client

  • Updated

In this article, you will learn how to create additional contacts and what to expect after creating those contacts.

Workiz enables you to create client profiles and store information such as contact details, service and billing addresses, and payment terms. You can also include additional contacts to provide important context when receiving calls.

Creating additional contacts

  1. Open the profile for the client you want to add an additional contact to
  2. From the Client info tab, scroll down to Additional contacts
  3. Select Add contact
    Group 13894-addcontact.png
  4. Create your contact:
    image 888-addcontact.png
    1. First name
    2. Last name
    3. Title
    4. Email address
    5. Phone number
    6. Additional phone
    7. Address
    8. City
    9. State
    10. Zip code
    11. Country
    12. Note
    13. Select Add contact

What you'll see when receiving calls from additional contacts

After creating additional contacts under your client, Workiz will notify you of their relationship whenever they call. These callers will be labeled as an additional contact on the Workiz dialer and the Calls dashboard. 

Group 13899add-contact.png


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