Transforming your interactions with AI-powered Smart Messaging

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In this article, you will learn how to use Workiz's AI-powered Smart Messaging tool to enhance your customer interactions. 

Smart Messaging is part of the Workiz Genius suite —  a toolkit of powerful AI features that provides you with a smart assistant capable of understanding your unique needs. With just a few clicks, Smart Messaging can easily compose new messages, provide you with relevant replies, or edit your existing messages to be written more professionally. And it does this all with full contextual awareness of the conversation, your client, and your history with this client. 

To learn more about the Workiz Genius suite, please see this article.

Smart Messaging capabilities

Smart compose 

Workiz can now predict and suggest completions for your messages as you type them. Simply begin typing your message and Smart Messaging will automatically suggest the part that should come next based on the conversation itself.

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Rewrite professionally or correct grammar

If you’d prefer to write the message instead, Smart Messaging can also edit your message to sound more professional or be more grammatically correct with the push of a button. All you need to do is type out a draft of the message you want to send and select the sort of improvement you want to apply. 

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Original message Rewritten with AI
i dont think we can scedule yu for tomorrow. Does Friday work instead

I don't think we can schedule you for tomorrow. Does Friday work instead?

Hello Ricky haveyou contacted the customer to check if they confirmed the appointment

Hello Ricky, have you contacted the customer to check if they have confirmed the appointment yet?

Did you collect payment from customer yet and also are you free for new appointment at 3

Have you collected the payment from the customer yet?

Also, are you available for a new appointment at 3?

Assistant replies

Smart Messaging can also suggest replies based on the current open jobs and overall history you have with a specific client. 

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Assistant replies will each include a brief topic so you can quickly decide the one you want to use. For example, when replying to a client asking to schedule an appointment, Smart Messaging may offer suggested replies to schedule the service or provide service options. 

AI-generated messages

If you want to generate a custom message yourself, you can also tell Smart Messaging exactly what you want to write. Instantly, Smart Messaging will generate a refined message based on your prompt and the client’s context. 

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Prompt Generated message
Ask customer for more information regarding the service they want. Tell them that we are fully booked this week but are free most of next week. Ask them what day next week works best.

Hi Tony!

Thank you for reaching out to AC-DC Heating & Air.

We are fully booked this week but have availability next week. Which day next week works best for you?

And what type of service are you looking for?

Ask customer if they've had a chance to look at the estimate yet, and if they have any questions we are here to help answer them

Hi Tony!

Just wanted to check in and see if you’ve had a chance to look at the estimate yet.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

We're here to help!

Nicely ask the customer how they are doing and remind them of the appointment scheduled for tomorrow

Hi Tony!

How are you doing?

Just a reminder that you have an appointment scheduled for tomorrow at 4:00 pm for residential services.

Let me know if you need to make any changes or if there’s anything else I can help with.

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