How to create and manage inventory locations

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In this article, you will learn how to create and manage inventory locations.

Workiz’s inventory management lets you see your stock levels and inventory usage from anywhere using any device. Every usage, stock change, or return is logged and easily tracked.

Workiz allows you to have stock levels organized by locations so that you know exactly how much stock (as well as the cost and sale value of that stock) exists in a particular place. You can create specific locations unique to your business. For example, a location could be a warehouse, office, vehicle, or any other place you may store inventory items.

Creating a location

In order to create inventory locations, you will first need to enable the Inventory add-on from the Marketplace.

To learn more about enabling the add-on, please see this article.

When activating the Inventory add-on with Workiz, you will automatically be provided with a primary location called Main Container. This location cannot be deleted, but it can be edited so that it reflects the actual primary inventory location for your service business (e.g., warehouse, office, etc.).

You can also create additional locations to keep better track of where your inventory units are.

  1. From the sidebar navigation, select Inventory
  2. Select the Locations tab
  3. From the Locations tab, select Add new
  4. Create your location:
    1. Name
    2. (Optional) Description
    3. Select Save

Managing inventory stock

Workiz makes it simple to add stock to a location, move stock from one location to another, and removing stock from a location.

  1. Next to the location you want to update, select the box icon ( )
    Group 4552.png
  2. Under Actions, choose one of the following options:
    Group 4554-1.png
    1. Move items
    2. Return items

Reviewing inventory stock changes

All changes you make to your inventory will be visible from the Inventory Usage Report.

To view these changes, open the report and select the Action log tab.

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