With Workiz, you can quickly find information using our search bar, which allows you to search through a large collection of jobs, clients, or leads by simply typing text into a field.
The top search bar
Use the top search bar to search for a client's name, job ID, or part of an address.
Click on the top search icon and hit the enter key or the search icon.
Client page search bar
From the left-hand navigation bar, select "Clients"
2. Within the client list, on the right-hand side, you can start typing a name, email, or phone number and the client list will narrow down accordingly.
Invoice page search bar
From the left-hand navigation bar, select "Invoices"
2. Within the invoice list, on the right you can start typing a name, ID, or amount, and the client list will narrow down.
* If you can't find the invoice you are looking for, try changing the date range from the top-right date picker.