How to update estimate statuses

  • Updated

In this article, you will learn how to update an estimate’s status.

In Workiz, an estimate’s status is designed to be updated automatically depending on certain actions taken from within the software.

For example, after an estimate is sent to the client, the estimate’s status would automatically change from Unsent to Pending. If the client chooses to approve the estimate from the Workiz client portal, the estimate’s status would automatically change from Pending to Approved.

Estimate statuses

Estimates in Workiz can be assigned one of six statuses:

Status Description
Unsent The estimate was created but never sent to the client
Pending The estimate was sent to the client and is pending approval
Denied The client has rejected the estimate
Approved The client has approved the estimate
Won The estimate has been approved and has been converted into a job in Workiz (i.e., you selected sync to job)
Archived The estimate was linked to a job that has since been canceled

Manually updating an estimate’s status

In Workiz, you will also have the ability to manually update an estimate’s status.

  1. Open the estimate you want to update
  2. Next to Status, choose your desired status from the dropdown menu
    Group 4357.png

If you have multiple estimates that need status updates, you can apply bulk changes by selecting all of the estimates and changing the status.
image 668bulk-est-2.png

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