Creating new jobs on the mobile app

  • Updated


In this article, you will learn how to create new jobs using the mobile app.

  1. From your homepage, select the plus icon ( ) > Job
    Group 4398jobs.png
  2. Enter the client information:
    Group 4448jobs.png
    1. Client name: Enter your client’s first and last name OR search for an existing client
    2. Phone number
    3. Address
    4. Email address
    5. (Optional) Client company name
  3. Enter the job information:
    Group 4450jobs.png
    1. Job type
    2. Ad source
    3. Service area
    4. Job schedule
    5. (Optional) Job description
    6. Select Create job

Your job will now be created, but listed as unassigned on your schedule. To assign a job to a member of your team, scroll down the job page and assign it to a tech.

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