Customizing your Workiz schedule

  • Updated

In this article, you will learn how to customize your Workiz schedule.

The Workiz schedule will contain all of the jobs, leads, and tasks you have booked on the calendar. It includes a number of different powerful features to help streamline your workflow.

Workiz also allows you to make some minor customizations to your schedule, like adjusting the range of visible hours, how items should be color coded, and the structure of the items on your calendar.

How to customize your Workiz schedule

  1. From the navigation bar, select the profile icon > Settings
  2. Under General settings, select Schedule settings
  3. Set your schedule settings:
    1. Schedule visible hour range: Choose the range of hours that you want to see on your schedule
    2. Show closed jobs: Decide whether you want closed jobs to remain on your schedule and check the box accordingly
    3. Appointment color by: Choose whether you want items on your schedule to be color coded by the assigned tech or associated service area
    4. Schedule template: Format the structure of items on your schedule. Workiz only allows you to include the following information for each schedule item:
      1. Job ID
      2. Client name
      3. First name
      4. Last name
      5. Company name
      6. Phone number
      7. Job type
      8. Job address
      9. City
      10. State
      11. Zip code
      12. Tech assigned
      13. Job tags
    5. Select Save


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